How to flatten tree via LINQ?

The problem with the accepted answer is that it is inefficient if the tree is deep. If the tree is very deep then it blows the stack. You can solve the problem by using an explicit stack:

public static IEnumerable<MyNode> Traverse(this MyNode root)
    var stack = new Stack<MyNode>();
    while(stack.Count > 0)
        var current = stack.Pop();
        yield return current;
        foreach(var child in current.Elements)

Assuming n nodes in a tree of height h and a branching factor considerably less than n, this method is O(1) in stack space, O(h) in heap space and O(n) in time. The other algorithm given is O(h) in stack, O(1) in heap and O(nh) in time. If the branching factor is small compared to n then h is between O(lg n) and O(n), which illustrates that the naïve algorithm can use a dangerous amount of stack and a large amount of time if h is close to n.

Now that we have a traversal, your query is straightforward:

root.Traverse().Where(item=> == 1);

Just for completeness, here is the combination of the answers from dasblinkenlight and Eric Lippert. Unit tested and everything. :-)

 public static IEnumerable<T> Flatten<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> items,
        Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildren)
     var stack = new Stack<T>();
     foreach(var item in items)

     while(stack.Count > 0)
         var current = stack.Pop();
         yield return current;

         var children = getChildren(current);
         if (children == null) continue;

         foreach (var child in children) 

You can flatten a tree like this:

IEnumerable<MyNode> Flatten(IEnumerable<MyNode> e) =>
    e.SelectMany(c => Flatten(c.Elements)).Concat(new[] { e });

You can then filter by group using Where(...).

To earn some "points for style", convert Flatten to an extension function in a static class.

public static IEnumerable<MyNode> Flatten(this IEnumerable<MyNode> e) =>
    e.SelectMany(c => c.Elements.Flatten()).Concat(e);

To earn more points for "even better style", convert Flatten to a generic extension method that takes a tree and a function that produces descendants from a node:

public static IEnumerable<T> Flatten<T>(
    this IEnumerable<T> e
,   Func<T,IEnumerable<T>> f
) => e.SelectMany(c => f(c).Flatten(f)).Concat(e);

Call this function like this:

IEnumerable<MyNode> tree = ....
var res = tree.Flatten(node => node.Elements);

If you would prefer flattening in pre-order rather than in post-order, switch around the sides of the Concat(...).