How to fix `TypeError: document.createRange is not a function` error while testing material ui popper with react-testing-library?

Referring to this github issue, I found out that we can fix the error with following code put in test set up file.

  (global as any).document.createRange = () => ({
    setStart: () => {},
    setEnd: () => {},
    commonAncestorContainer: {
      nodeName: 'BODY',
      ownerDocument: document,

The issue is with the underlying implementation of PopperJS calling the document.createRange function when there is no DOM API for it to call. The solution is to mock PopperJS.

// __mocks__/popper.js.js

import PopperJs from 'popper.js';

export default class Popper {
    constructor() {
        this.placements = PopperJs.placements;

        return {
            update: () => {},
            destroy: () => {},
            scheduleUpdate: () => {}

jest will pick any mocks in the /__mocks__ directory automatically, so simply adding this file should fix your issue