How to fix Pipeline-Script "Expected a step" error

You are missing a script{} -step which is required in a declarative pipeline.


The script step takes a block of Scripted Pipeline and executes that in the Declarative Pipeline.

stage('Check') {
    steps {        
        script {
            Boolean bool = fileExists 'NewFile.txt'
            if (bool) {
                println "The File exists :)"
            } else {
                println "The File does not exist :("

There are multiple reasons why you may get the "Expected a step" error.

Mine occurred because I used single quotes ' to surround a step script instead of double quotes ". For example:

stage("Build") {
    steps {
        sh "./ ${SECRET_KEY}"

The string used above uses string interpolation (or I guess it's called a "templateable string"?), which won't work for a single-quoted string.

Thought I'd add this answer here in case someone comes from Google and the accepted answer doesn't work!