How to fix bower ECMDERR

In case you might encounter the same issue...It turns out my machine behind firewall, that won't able to access git://

Link: Unable to Connect to For Cloning

The solution without changing the firewall:

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

Credit to @bnguyen82 from Unable to Connect to For Cloning and @Sindre Sorhus from Bower install using only https?

I had the same problem and the answer above didn't work for me. But I found an other one. You can have a problem with your proxy. If you are behind a proxy you have to do theses steps :

put this in .bowerrc to get rid of the err ETIMEDOUT :

    "directory": "app/bower_components",
    "proxy": "http://PROXYSERVER:PORT",
    "https-proxy": "https://PROXYSERVER:PORT",
    "strict-ssl": false

And this one to get rid of ECMDERR :

git config --global http.proxy http://USER:PASSWORD@PROXYSERVER:PORT

it works for me.