How to fix "Android license status unknown" in flutter

  1. Install Android SDK Command-line Tools on android studio using the SDK manager

  2. Run flutter doctor --android-licenses

enter image description here

I solved this problem by installing the command line tool.

enter image description here

And then rerun

flutter doctor --android-licenses

enter image description here

I have followed these steps. It worked for me.

  1. went to Environment variables and added ANDROID_HOME with a variable value of: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk

  2. then my JAVA_HOME with this variable value: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

  3. then my Path with this variable value: C:\Users\%username%\flutter\bin

  4. then I ran the following command

    flutter doctor
  5. Got the output of Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):

    [√] Flutter (Channel beta, v0.2.3, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.309], 
    locale en-US)
    [!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 27.0.3)
    ! Some Android licenses not accepted.  To resolve this, run: flutter doctor -- 
    [√] Android Studio (version 3.1)
    [√] Connected devices (1 available)
    ! Doctor found issues in 1 category.
  6. Then I ran
    flutter doctor --android-licenses
    and accepted all Terms & Conditions with (y)