How to find voltage and current in the given circuit?

I have tried to solve this circuit in the general case, without knowing the values for the various resistances. Just for the fun of it of course. I have applied the Extra-Element Theorem (EET, see with one limit though, \$V_1=V_2\$. I have used the following labels: enter image description here

The first thing is to select the extra-element, the one that bothers you or would make the analysis simpler if it were either open-circuited or replaced by a short. Here, I adopted \$R_2\$ as the extra element that I will remove (open-circuit it) from the network. I will then calculate the voltage \$V_{ab}\$ without it. This becomes my reference voltage, \$V_{ref}\$ and the final voltage applying the EET will be defined as


If calculate \$V_{ref}\$ using superposition, you have


The second thing is to reduce the excitation voltage to 0 V, meaning you replace both sources \$V_1\$ and \$V_2\$ by a short circuit. Then, you look at the resistance offered by \$R_2\$'s terminals, again, locally applying the EET with \$R_6\$ as the extra element in this sub-circuit. enter image description here

You should find


The last part is to find the resistance offered by \$R_2\$'s terminals when the response \$V_{ab}\$ is a null, implying that \$V_a=V_b\$. The last sketch is here enter image description here

You install a test current source \$I_T\$ which delivers across its terminals a voltage \$V_T\$. \$\frac{V_T}{I_T}\$ is the resistance you want. If you solve that circuit correctly, then you have


The voltage across terminals \$a\$ and \$b\$ is finally defined as:


This is a quite ugly result and it assumes that both sources are equal to form 1 single injection when nulling the response. The calculation sheet is here enter image description here

while the Mathcad using the numerical values of the original sketch gives \$V_{ab}=53.333\;V\$ and \$I=1.777\;A\$

enter image description here

which is the result elegantly found by jonk yesterday. I am not sure in this case the EET is the best approach, but the general expression was derived almost by inspection, except for the \$R_n\$ part which required some efforts. The EET is part of the Fast Analytical Circuits Techniques (FACTs) that allow you to derive transfer functions quickly and obtain results in a low-entropy format. You can have a look at to know more about the subject.