How to find the creation date of an image in a (private) Docker registry (API v2)?

A minor improvement to the answer from @snth : print the date more user friendly by using date:

date --date=$(curl -s -X GET http://$REGISTRY:5000/v2/$IMAGE/manifests/$TAG | \
  jq -r '.history[].v1Compatibility' | jq -r '.created' | sort | tail -n 1 )

Prints something like:

Fr 12. Okt 15:26:03 CEST 2018

Compiling the comments and answers above here is a complete solution

With Authentication

# Setup variables to make this more usalbe

# Query Registry and pipe results to jq

DOCKER_DATE=$(curl -s -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json' -X GET http://$REGISTRY_URL/v2/circle-lb/manifests/master | jq -r '[.history[]]|map(.v1Compatibility|fromjson|.created)|sort|reverse|.[0]')
echo "Date for $REPO:$TAG is $DOCKER_DATE"

Without Authentication

DOCKER_DATE=$(curl -s -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json' -X GET http://$REGISTRY_URL/v2/circle-lb/manifests/master | jq -r '[.history[]]|map(.v1Compatibility|fromjson|.created)|sort|reverse|.[0]')

And lastly if you want to parse with the date command (gnu date)

on linux:

date -d $DOCKER_DATE

on mac:

gdate -d $DOCKER_DATE

So after some hacking around, I got the following to work using the curl and jq tools:

curl -X GET http://registry:5000/v2/<IMAGE>/manifests/<TAG> \
    | jq -r '.history[].v1Compatibility' \
    | jq '.created' \
    | sort \
    | tail -n1

This seems to work but I don't really know how the v1 Compatibility representation is to be interpreted so I don't know if I am really getting the correct number out of this.

Comments on this are welcome!