How to find out from code if my Android app runs on emulator or real device?

This should do it:

boolean inEmulator = false;
String brand = Build.BRAND;
if (brand.compareTo("generic") == 0)
    inEmulator = true;


boolean inEmulator = "generic".equals(Build.BRAND.toLowerCase());

There's a rather old thread on Android Developers group that suggests checking the number of sensors on the device. Something like this might work:

SensorManager manager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE);
if (manager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL).isEmpty()) {
    // running on an emulator
} else {
    // running on a device

I haven't tried this, so I have no idea how reliable the suggestion is. (Perhaps some emulators now report some sensors; perhaps some devices report no sensors. [Is there an Android toothbrush yet?]) But it can't be worse than checking for a null ANDROID_ID (which doesn't work as of 2.2).

P.S. Another thread claims that as of 2.2, the ANDROID_ID for the emulator is always "9774D56D682E549C". However, you are apparently getting some other hex string, so I don't think this is right, either.

P.P.S. Other suggestions I haven't tried are here. One that seems particularly nice (if it works) is:

if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equals(“google_sdk”)) {
   // emulator
} else {
   //not emulator

With the advent of the new Intel native emulator the above mentioned methods did not work any longer. Now I am using this code snippet which works on both Intel and ARM emulators:

if (Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk") ||
    Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator") ||
    Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK")) {
  RunsInEmulator = true;