How to find corresponding log files folder for a web site?

Ok, I've found this property - it's called "site id" and resides in "Advanced Properties" of the website.

You can find from website properties of IIS manager. With IIS 6 the Web Site ID is a randomly generated number for each site that is created other than the Default Web Site which has an Web Site ID of 1.

For example:

  • W3SVC1
  • W3SVC719499532
  • W3SVC383732556

Knowing which web site these being to is a problem as it requires you to manually look at each web site. The following VB script will allow you to output the ID and name.

Save the script to a file with a .VBS file extension and then run using this command (for IIS 6).

cscript MyFile.VBS

Function ProcessWebSite(ServiceType, SiteNumber)
Set IISWebSite = getObject("IIS://localhost/" & ServiceType & "/" & SiteNumber)
Set IISWebSiteRoot = getObject("IIS://localhost/" & ServiceType & "/" & SiteNumber & "/root")
ProcessWebSite = IISWebSite.ServerComment
Set IISWebSiteRoot = nothing
Set IISWebSite = Nothing
end function

Function ShowSites(ServiceType, ClassName, Title)
Wscript.echo "Web Sites Description"
Wscript.echo "==============================================================="
Set IISOBJ = getObject("IIS://localhost/" & ServiceType)
for each Web in IISOBJ
if (Web.Class = ClassName) then
wscript.echo Ucase(ServiceType) & "/" & Web.Name & _
Space(17-(len(Ucase(ServiceType))+1+len(Web.Name))) & " " & _
end if
Set IISOBj=Nothing
WScript.Echo ""
End function

Call ShowSites("w3svc", "IIsWebServer", "Web")

We can also get it using command line :

C:\>%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list site

The output would be like below:

SITE "Default Web Site" (id:1,bindings:HTTP/*:80:,state:Started)
SITE "Site1" (id:2,bindings:http/*:81:,state:Started)

The id field corresponds to the id found in log files. inetpub\logs\LogFiles (W3SVC1, W3SVC2

'Open IIS manager, click on the top level websites folder, view the lists of sites in the right hand pane, listing the App ID's.'

enter image description here

thanks to Sam on Server Fault


