How to fill a shape defined by arcs?

enter image description here

with help of backgrounds and intersections libraries:

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}%{article}
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, intersections}

%    \begin{figure}[htbp]
%        \centering
% fill arcs and determine their names
\fill[white, name path=a]   (0.95572,-0.29428)  arc (-19.41:18.41:1);
\fill[white, name path=b]   (0.9414, 0.33728)   arc (226:254:1.5);
\fill[white, name path=c]   (1.58918, 0.04265)  arc (102:122:2);
% calculate intersections
\path[name intersections={of=a and b, by={ab}}] ;
\path[name intersections={of=a and c, by={ac}}] ;
\path[name intersections={of=b and c, by={bc}}] ;
% background fill
\scoped[on background layer]\fill[red] (ab) -- (ac) -- (bc) -- cycle; % color determine according to your wish
% drawing arcs agaib
\draw   (0.95572,-0.29428)  arc (-19.41:18.41:1);
\draw   (0.9414, 0.33728)   arc (226:254:1.5);
\draw   (1.58918, 0.04265) arc (102:122:2);
%    \end{figure}

This is the first step: add --. The second step is to clip. This yields

        \tikzstyle{intersection} = [draw, circle ,fill=darkgray, inner sep=0.4mm]
        \draw[name path=path1] (0.95572,-0.29428)  arc (-19.41:18.41:1);
        \draw[name path=path2] (0.9414, 0.33728) arc (226:254:1.5);
        \draw[name path=path3] (1.58918, 0.04265) arc (102:122:2);
        \path[name intersections={of=path1 and path2,by=x12}];
        \path[name intersections={of=path2 and path3,by=x23}];
        \path[name intersections={of=path3 and path1,by=x31}];
        \clip (x12)--(x23)--(x31)--cycle;
        \filldraw[draw=black,fill=blue] (0.95572,-0.29428)  arc (-19.41:18.41:1) -- (0.9414, 0.33728) arc
        (226:254:1.5)-- (1.58918, 0.04265) arc (102:122:2);

enter image description here

EDIT: I only made the code a bit shorter and changed the fill color, otherwise this is the original code.




Tikz Pgf