How to fill 90% of the free memory?

stress-ng is a workload generator that simulates cpu/mem/io/hdd stress on POSIX systems. This call should do the trick on Linux < 3.14:

stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemFree/{printf "%d\n", $2 * 0.9;}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1

For Linux >= 3.14, you may use MemAvailable instead to estimate available memory for new processes without swapping:

stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemAvailable/{printf "%d\n", $2 * 0.9;}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1

Adapt the /proc/meminfo call with free(1)/vm_stat(1)/etc. if you need it portable. See also the reference wiki for stress-ng for further usage examples.

You can write a C program to malloc() the required memory and then use mlock() to prevent the memory from being swapped out.

Then just let the program wait for keyboard input, and unlock the memory, free the memory and exit.

If you have basic GNU tools (head and tail) or BusyBox on Linux, you can do this to fill a certain amount of free memory:

</dev/zero head -c BYTES | tail
</dev/zero head -c 5000m | tail #~5GB, portable
</dev/zero head -c 5G    | tail #5GiB on GNU (not busybox)
cat /dev/zero | head -c 5G | tail #Easier notation; does the same thing

This works because tail needs to keep the current line in memory, in case it turns out to be the last line. The line, read from /dev/zero which outputs only null bytes and no newlines, will be infinitely long, but is limited by head to BYTES bytes, thus tail will use only that much memory. For a more precise amount, you will need to check how much RAM head and tail itself use on your system and subtract that.

To just quickly run out of RAM completely, you can remove the limiting head part:

tail /dev/zero

If you want to also add a duration, this can be done quite easily in bash (will not work in sh):

cat <( </dev/zero head -c 500m) <(sleep SECONDS) | tail

The <(command) thing seems to be little known but is often extremely useful, more info on it here:

The cat command will wait for inputs to complete until exiting, and by keeping one of the pipes open, it will keep tail alive.

If you have pv and want to slowly increase RAM use:

</dev/zero head -c TOTAL | pv -L BYTES_PER_SEC | tail
</dev/zero head -c 1000m | pv -L 10m | tail

The latter will use up to one gigabyte at a rate of ten megabytes per second. As an added bonus, pv will show the current rate of use and the total use so far. Of course this can also be done with previous variants:

</dev/zero head -c 500m | pv | tail

Just inserting the | pv | part will show you the current status (throughput and total by default).

If you do not have a /dev/zero device, the standard yes and tr tools might substitute: yes | tr \\n x | head -c BYTES | tail (yes outputs an infinite amount of "yes"es, tr substitutes the newline such that everything becomes one huge line and tail needs to keep all that in memory).
Another, simpler alternative is using dd: dd if=/dev/zero bs=1G of=/dev/null uses 1GB of memory on GNU and BusyBox, but also 100% CPU on one core.
Finally, if your head does not accept a suffix, you can calculate an amount of bytes inline, for example 50 megabytes: head -c $((1024*1024*50))

Credits to falstaff for contributing a variant that is even simpler and more broadly compatible (like with BusyBox).

Why another answer? The accepted answer recommends installing a package (I bet there's a release for every chipset without needing a package manager); the top voted answer recommends compiling a C program (I did not have a compiler or toolchain installed to compile for your target platform); the second top voted answer recommends running the application in a VM (yeah let me just dd this phone's internal sdcard over usb or something and create a virtualbox image); the third suggests modifying something in the boot sequence which does not fill the RAM as desired; the fourth only works in so far as the /dev/shm mountpoint (1) exists and (2) is large (remounting needs root); the fifth combines many of the above without sample code; the sixth is a great answer but I did not see this answer before coming up with my own approach, so I thought I'd add my own, also because it's shorter to remember or type over if you don't see that the memblob line is actually the crux of the matter; the seventh again does not answer the question (uses ulimit to limit a process instead); the eighth tries to get you to install python; the ninth thinks we're all very uncreative and finally the tenth wrote his own C++ program which causes the same issue as the top voted answer.


