How to export CloudWatch Dashboard data to share with people with no AWS account.

A new AWS feature was added that allows for the creation of a shareable link to any cloudwatch dashboard -- whether or not you are logged in to an AWS account or were granted permissions. Hand the link to the 3rd party.

We have added them to our wiki pages. Still trying to figure out how to render the dashboards in confluence pages, but the link itself works fine.

CW dashboard sharing

From Reduce Time to Resolution with Amazon CloudWatch Snapshot Graphs and Alerts | AWS DevOps Blog:

You can use snapshot graphs to integrate and display CloudWatch charts outside of the AWS Management Console to improve monitoring visibility or reduce time to resolution. This feature makes it possible for you to display CloudWatch charts on your webpage or integrate charts with third-party tools, such as ticketing, chat applications, and bug tracking.

Also see part 2: Building an Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard Outside of the AWS Management Console | AWS DevOps Blog

We use Datadog for some of our devops analytics. If you want something more hands on, you can setup Grafana, it has a plugin to pull data from CloudWatch.