How to export Angular Material Table to excel or pdf or csv

You can use mat-table-exporter package to export in excel, csv, json or txt formats. It supports paginated tables too.

Stackblitz demo:

In your table component.ts

declare a value called renderedData: any;

Then in your constructor subscribe to the data that has been changed in your material table. I am guessing you are using a filterable table.

this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(TableData);
this.dataSource.connect().subscribe(d => this.renderedData = d);

npm install --save angular5-csv

In your HTML create a button <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="exportCsv()">Export to CSV</button>

Finally, export the changed data to a CSV

new Angular5Csv(this.renderedData,'Test Report');

More details about the exporter can be found here:

I hope this helps :)