How to execute stored procedure with Output parameters using FromSqlInterpolated/Database.ExecuteSqlInterpolated in Dot Net Core 3.1?

I have found other way which is working for me

  1. Add Nuget package Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

  2. Use ExecuteSqlRaw method instead

Below is the code

    int? employeeCount = null;
    string deptName="IT";

    // Use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient namespace for SqlParameter.Visual studio will suggest  "" which does not work
    var deptNameSQLParam = new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Dept", deptName);
    var employeeCountSQLParam = new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmpCount", SqlDbType.Int) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; 
    Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("exec dbo.usp_GetEmpCountByDept @Dept={0}, @EmpCount={1} out", deptNameSQLParam, employeeCountSQLParam);

     if (employeeCountSQLParam.Value != DBNull.Value)
        employeeCount = (int)employeeCountSQLParam.Value;