Drupal - How to execute php script using drush?

You can convert the script in a Drush shell script.

A drush shell script is any Unix shell script file that has its "execute" bit set (i.e., via chmod +x myscript.drush) and that begins with a specific line:

    #!/usr/bin/env drush



Drush scripts are better than Bash scripts for the following reasons:

  • They are written in PHP
  • Drush can bootstrap the site before running the script

The following is the example you can find on helloword.script.

#!/usr/bin/env drush

// This example demonstrates how to write a drush
// "shebang" script.  These scripts start with the
// line "#!/usr/bin/env drush" or "#!/full/path/to/drush".
// See `drush topic docs-scripts` for more information.
drush_print("Hello world!");
drush_print("The arguments to this command were:");

// If called with --everything, use drush_get_arguments
// to print the commandline arguments.  Note that this
// call will include 'php-script' (the drush command)
// and the path to this script.
if (drush_get_option('everything')) {
  drush_print("  " . implode("\n  ", drush_get_arguments()));
// If --everything is not included, then use
// drush_shift to pull off the arguments one at
// a time.  drush_shift only returns the user
// commandline arguments, and does not include
// the drush command or the path to this script.
else {
  while ($arg = drush_shift()) {
    drush_print('  ' . $arg);



You can made the script executable, so you can execute it with <script file> <parameters> where <script name> is the script name, and <parameters> are the parameters passed to the script; if the script is not executable, you call it with drush <script name> <parameters>.

With drush php-eval, you can run your script without having to save it to a file first:

drush php-eval '
  $uid = 1234; 
  $query = db_query("SELECT cid FROM {comments} WHERE uid = %d", $uid);
  while($cid = db_result($query)) {

This uses nested quotation marks, so to prevent a mess I recommend to use only double quotes " within the PHP code.

I think you're looking at drush -d scr --uri=example.org sample_script.php to execute sample_script.php.

