How to enter vector inputs in SystemModelSimulate?

I have received answer from Technical Support at WRI:

At present we cannot feed vectors as lists; instead we have to use array variables such as u[1], u[2] and so on.


The developers are currently working on implementing the feature for feeding vectors as lists.

Since arrays/vectors can also be indexed using enumerations (e.g. "myEnumeration.first", "myEnumeration.second", ... ), having to address individual arguments in this way will be very cumbersome. Expanding the functionality of SystemModelSimulate would be very welcome.


... but the most important reason for implementing vector input is, that in Modelica array dimensions can be left unspecified (e.g. mat[:,:], vec[:]). We cannot simply assign a value to vec[1] because the Modelica compiler needs to be able to determine the dimensions form the dimensions of the input given. It would be really cumbersome, having to work around this using additional components like the Multiplex.