How to encode a String representing URL path with JSTL?

I'm sure you already knew this was an alternative solution, but I decided for my particular use the most elegant solution was to use a request attribute.

So in my servlet:

req.setAttribute("myUrl", URLEncoder.encode(myUrl, "UTF-8"));

and in my JSP:


The <c:url> does not encode the URI as specified in its value, but just URL request parameters which are specified by a nested <c:param>. The IBM article which you linked also doesn't tell otherwise. I think that you confused it with "URL rewriting" (which is in essence nothing more than appending the jsessionid whenever necessary). The <c:url> indeed does that as well when cookies are disabled.

To achieve your requirement, of URI-encoding the path parameters, best is to create a custom EL function which delegates to URLEncoder#encode() and alters the outcome conform URI rules.

<a href="/user/${util:encodeURI(}">view profile</a>


public static String encodeURI(String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8")
        .replace("+", "%20")
        .replace("%21", "!")
        .replace("%27", "'")
        .replace("%28", "(")
        .replace("%29", ")")
        .replace("%7E", "~");

In the 2nd part of this answer you can find a basic kickoff example how to declare and register custom EL functions.

you could use the jakarta String TagLib, which has a encodeUrl tag:

Follow these steps to configure your web application with this tag library:

  1. Copy the tag library descriptor file to the /WEB-INF subdirectory of your web application.
  2. Copy the tag library JAR file to the /WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of your web application.
  3. Add a element to your web application deployment descriptor in /WEB-INF/web.xml as said in the above link

To use the tags from this library in your JSP pages, add the following directive at the top of each page:

below is the example of usage in jsp:

<a href="str:decodeUrl>${URL}</str:decodeUrl)"/>