How to enable swagger in ServiceStack?

To enable Swagger for your Service Stack, follow the Swagger API page on Service Stack wiki.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Run Install-Package ServiceStack.Api.Swagger in your package manager console.
  2. Enable Swagger plugin in your AppHost.cs with:

    using ServiceStack.Api.Swagger;
    public override void Configure(Container container)
      Plugins.Add(new SwaggerFeature());
  3. Access Swagger UI with http://localhost:port/swagger-ui/index.html

According to Trello it was a "Doing" but has then been moved back to "To Do"; and there's a Swagger.Api module in the github repo, so assuming it's only partially finished.


As pointed out already (but for the sake of completeness, as this was the accepted answer), SwaggerUI is ready for service stack (and holy moly is it awesome). The Github wiki has been filled out in the last few days, and it's super easy to get it up & running.

Looks like it's complete and ready now, check out the release notes for v3.9.35 @