How to enable overflow scrolling within a Semantic Ui Grid?

Grids elements of Semantic UI got display: inline-block, so you can set white-space:nowrap to prevent that elements wrap in a row:

<div class="features ui grid noMargin" style="overflow-y:auto;white-space:nowrap;">
    <div class="four wide column greyOdd">Stuff here</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyEven">More stuff</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyOdd">Calls n stuff</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyEven">Testing look</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyOdd">Stuff here</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyEven">More stuff</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyOdd">Calls n stuff</div>
    <div class="four wide column greyEven">Testing look</div>