How to enable directory browsiing in IIS7?

Solution 1:

That's because 'Directory Browsing' is one of the Role services you have to specifically install. You do that from Server Manager -> Roles -> Web Services -> Add Role Services. Pick 'Directory Browsing' in the wizard. Then you should have the options specified in the KB article.

Solution 2:

And for the command line nerds out there, to do this without the GUIs:

servermanagercmd -install Web-Dir-Browsing
appcmd set config (url) /section:directoryBrowse /enabled:true

where (url) is the name of your web site and optional path to virtual directory, like "Default Web Site/Pictures". You can list web sites by typing

appcmd list site

Solution 3:

This is in case anyone needs help:

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. turn on off windows features
  3. Select World Wide Web Services
  4. Common HTTP Features
  5. Select Directory Browsing



Iis 7