How to enable C# 9.0-preview

As of October 2020:

Please see @Pac0's answer here:

As of June 2020:

According to this page in the documentation you need to edit your *.csproj to set the <LangVersion> to preview.

Also mentioned in the blog-post about the preview-release, but not the above documentation page, is that you need to update your project's targetFramework property too to net5.0 (this is because the C# design team decided to restrict entire C# language versions to minimum BCL versions, unlike previously where you could use C# 7 with even .NET Framework 2.0 provided you reimplemented your own missing BCL types like ValueTuple and ExtensionAttribute).

So your *.csproj file should look like this:


As per October 2020,

  1. you can explicitly use the 9.0 language version in .csproj
  2. Using target framework as .net 5 implicitly uses C# 9 by default .

The .csproj should be as such:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

You can add <LangVersion>9.0</LangVersion> if you wish, but it should be optional.

OutputType can be adapted, of course, and you'll need the .NET 5 SDK.

See for instance this blog for more information.

Firstly Download .NET 5 and then install Visual Studio Preview Edition. You will now have access to the latest features of C# 9. Also make sure that you project file includes the following.




.Net 5

C# 9.0