How to emulate Windows window snapping/grid shortcuts?

I use the "grid" option of CompizConfig Settings Manager. "Grid" is developed as an extra plugin, so you have to install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra Install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package (I couldn't see this in "software center", so did it through synaptic).

Once you have the plugins installed, in CCSM, go to "Window Managment", then select "Grid". I modify my "put left" to be CTRL + SHIFT + left arrow (and do likewise for "put right", "put top", and "put bottom"). I map CTRL + SHIFT + enter to be "put center".

I am not sure about W7, but the GREAT thing about GRID is that if you hit it once, it will go to half the screen. A second time goes to 1/3 of the screen. A third time has it take up 2/3 of the screen. Then, a fourth has it back to half. So, you can set up documents side by side that need 1/3 or 2/3 of the screen as well as equally sharing 1/2 of the screen.

A MUST plugin for me in Linux! And it works great!

Unity will be coming with a "snap feature" included, but I like the keyboard to do this setup for me! CCSM GRID it is!

For Ubuntu 11.04 (natty) and 11.10 (oneiric) you can do it if you have a keypad/number pad on your keyboard. Nothing else needs to be installed:

Ctrl + alt + NumPad 4 (entire left side)

Ctrl + alt + NumPad 5 (maximize)

Ctrl + alt + NumPad 6 (entire right side)

Ctrl + Alt + NumPad 9 (top right corner)

Full list: In the "Window Placement" of What are Unity's keyboard and mouse shortcuts?

It worked for my Ubuntu 14.04. Just do the same thing you did in windows, but this time add Ctrl, so it's Ctrl+Super+Arrow.