How to elegantly check the existence of an object/instance/variable and simultaneously assign it to variable if it exists in python?

You want to execute a Exist query to be efficient

(ret, ), = Session.query(exists().where(SomeObject.field==value))

Mike Bayer explain it in his blog post:

You can use scalar if you don't want to have a tuple as result:

ret = Session.query(exists().where(SomeObject.field==value)).scalar()

This has been asked a long time ago but for future visitors a more concise way to check is

 if session.query(model).filter(some_filter).count():
     # do stuff

wrap it on a function (shamelessly stolen from django get_or_create, this doesnt return a tuple though)

get_or_create(model, **kwargs):
        # basically check the obj from the db, this syntax might be wrong
        object = session.query(model).filter(**kwargs).first()
        return object
    except DoesNotExistException: # or whatever error/exception it is on SQLA
        object = model()
        # do it here if you want to save the obj to the db
        return object

that's it. to use it:

obj = get_or_create(SomeObject, filters)

change the **kwargs to a simple argument (like some_filters) if you want

try to wrap something you often use (wrap them to functions or classes)

thats only pseudo code, there might be syntax error.

EDIT: emphasize