How to efficiently convert Matlab engine arrays to numpy ndarray?

Moments after posting the question I found the solution.

For one-dimensional arrays, access only the _data property of the Matlab array.

import timeit
print 'From list'
print timeit.timeit('np.array(x)', setup=setup_range, number=1000)
print 'From matlab'
print timeit.timeit('np.array(x)', setup=setup_matlab, number=1000)
print 'From matlab_data'
print timeit.timeit('np.array(x._data)', setup=setup_matlab, number=1000)


From list
From matlab
From matlab_data

For multi-dimensional arrays you need to reshape the array afterwards. In the case of two-dimensional arrays this means calling


Tim's answer is great for 2D arrays, but a way to adapt it to N dimensional arrays is to use the order parameter of np.reshape() :

np_x = np.array(x._data).reshape(x.size, order='F')