How to effectively group non fatal exceptions in Crashlytics (Fabrics)?

I resolved this by setting a custom stack trace to the exception. A new Exception(exceptionMessage) will create the exception there itself, what we did was to throw an exception which in catch called my counterpart of handleException() with the actual stack trace furnished in the exceptionMessage. Some parsing and the exceptionMessage can be used to set the stack trace on the newly created exception using exception.setStackTrace(). Actually, this was required in my project only because it is cross-language, for regular projects, simply passing the exception thrown and caught at the place of interest should work.

Crashlytics uses the method and crash line number to group crashes, so if you have an exception handler method for all of your non-fatals, they'll be grouped together. There isn't currently a workaround for this.

Crashlytics groups by the line number that the exception was generated on and labels it with the exception type. If you know all the types of the exceptions you can generate each one on a different line. And you could also map your strings to custom Exception types to make it more easy to identify them in Crashlytics.

Here's an example:

public void crashlyticsIsGarbage(String exceptionString) {
    Exception exception = null;
    switch(exceptionString) {
        case "string1": exception = new String1Exception(exceptionString);
        case "string2": exception = new String2Exception(exceptionString);
        case "string3": exception = new String3Exception(exceptionString);
        case "string4": exception = new String4Exception(exceptionString);
        default: exception = new Exception(exceptionString);

class String1Exception extends Exception { String1Exception(String exceptionString) { super(exceptionString); } }
class String2Exception extends Exception { String2Exception(String exceptionString) { super(exceptionString); } }
class String3Exception extends Exception { String3Exception(String exceptionString) { super(exceptionString); } }
class String4Exception extends Exception { String4Exception(String exceptionString) { super(exceptionString); } }

BTW, Crashlytics will ignore the message string in the Exception.

Best way I've found to do this is to manually chop the shared parts of the stacktrace off:

private fun buildCrashlyticsSyntheticException(message: String): Exception {
  val stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace
  val numToRemove = 8
  val lastToRemove = stackTrace[numToRemove - 1]
  // This ensures that if the stacktrace format changes, we get notified immediately by the app
  // crashing (as opposed to silently mis-grouping crashes for an entire release).
  check(lastToRemove.className == "timber.log.Timber" && lastToRemove.methodName == "e",
    { "Got unexpected stacktrace: $stackTrace" })
  val abbreviatedStackTrace = stackTrace.takeLast(stackTrace.size - numToRemove).toTypedArray()
  return SyntheticException("Synthetic Exception: $message", abbreviatedStackTrace)

class SyntheticException(
  message: String,
  private val abbreviatedStackTrace: Array<StackTraceElement>
) : Exception(message) {
  override fun getStackTrace(): Array<StackTraceElement> {
    return abbreviatedStackTrace

This way the message can be parameterized Timber.e("Got a weird error $error while eating a taco") and all of that line's calls will be grouped together.

Obviously, numToRemove will need to change depending on your exact mechanism for triggering nonfatals.