How to drop a column from a Databricks Delta table?

use below code :

df = spark.sql("Select * from <DB Name>.<Table Name>")

df1 = df.drop("<Column Name>")

spark.sql("DROP TABLE if exists <DB Name>.<TableName>_OLD")

spark.sql("ALTER TABLE <DB Name>.<TableName> RENAME TO <DB Name>.<Table Name>_OLD ")

df1.write.format("delta").mode("OVERWRITE").option("overwriteSchema", "true").saveAsTable("<DB Name>.<Table Name>")

There is no drop column option on Databricks tables:

Remember that unlike a relational database there are physical parquet files in your storage, your "table" is just a schema that has been applied to them.

In the relational world you can update the table metadata to remove a column easily, in a big data world you have to re-write the underlying files.

Technically parquet can handle schema evolution (see Schema evolution in parquet format). But the Databricks implementation of Delta does not. It probably just too complicated to be worth it.

Therefore the solution in this case is to create a new table and insert the columns you want to keep from the old table.