How to draw this Venn Diagram using PSTricks?

I could only reproduce your output after setting unit to 0.5cm. Anyway, this code produces something close to your desired picture.

\rput[c](-4,-3){\begin{tabular}{c}multiples\\ of 2
multiples\\ of 3
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=lightgray, linestyle=solid]{
multiples\\ of 6

enter image description here

I'd also recommend to use the pstricks command \rput instead of \put.

Use clipping:


    \rput(-2.5,0){\shortstack{multiples\\of 2}}
    \rput(2.5,0){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 3}}
        \pscircle[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=lightgray](2,0){3}
    \rput(0,0){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 6}}

enter image description here

If you prefer \pscustom, then use



You can use pst-eucl.

enter image description here


\rput[r](A){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 2}}
\rput[l](B){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 3}}
\pstInterCC[DistCoef=1, RadiusA=\pstDistVal{\radA},DistCoef=1,
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=lightgray, linestyle=solid]{
\rput[c](M){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 6}}

If it is necessary to calculate the angles, this can be done on the postscript-side:


\rput[r](A){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 2}}
\rput[l](B){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 3}}
  \psarc(A){\radA}{! nFqy nAy sub nFqx nAx sub atan}{! nEqy nAy sub nEqx nAx sub atan}
  \psarc(B){\radB}{! nEqy nBy sub nEqx nBx sub atan}{! nFqy nBy sub nFqx nBx sub atan}
\rput[c](M){\shortstack{multiples\\ of 6}}