How to Draw a Rose in Latex

You can load the image into inkscape, choose Path | Trace Bitmap to obtain an svg file (using only 8 colors), and then use svg2tikz to convert the svg file to a tex file using tikz. The result is the image below.

enter image description here

The tex source is too big to post here; it looks like this.



\def \globalscale {1.000000}
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-\globalscale, xscale=\globalscale, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

    \path[fill=cfcfbfb,line width=0.212pt] (235.3658,101.2083) -- (235.3658,25.9344) -- (293.3095,25.9344) -- (351.2533,25.9344) -- (351.2533,101.2083) -- (351.2533,176.4823) -- (293.3095,176.4823) -- (235.3658,176.4823) -- cycle;

  % 7 more path statements, some up to 40000 characters long.



One rose...drawing with Mathcha....


\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt      
%uncomment if require: \path (0,439); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 439

%Shape: Triangle [id:dp8966526263440768] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (334.24,270.96) -- (306.37,286.02) -- (302.75,274.36) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp2836988033968444] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (325.1,204.69) .. controls (309.16,208) and (298.01,219.19) .. (300.19,229.69) .. controls (302.37,240.19) and (317.05,246.02) .. (332.99,242.72) .. controls (348.92,239.41) and (360.07,228.22) .. (357.89,217.72) .. controls (355.26,205.04) and (354.61,198.05) .. (355.92,196.73) .. controls (354.61,198.05) and (344.33,200.7) .. (325.1,204.69) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp288253063079859] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (259.5,218.3) .. controls (279.79,214.09) and (298.01,219.19) .. (300.19,229.69) .. controls (302.37,240.19) and (287.68,252.12) .. (267.39,256.33) .. controls (247.09,260.54) and (228.87,255.44) .. (226.69,244.94) .. controls (224.06,232.26) and (221.68,225.63) .. (219.53,225.02) .. controls (221.68,225.63) and (235,223.38) .. (259.5,218.3) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Pie [id:dp5120212632053505] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (306.49,77.85) .. controls (326.98,80.92) and (342.54,96.06) .. (342.54,114.28) .. controls (342.54,134.71) and (322.96,151.28) .. (298.79,151.28) .. controls (274.63,151.28) and (255.04,134.71) .. (255.04,114.28) .. controls (255.04,99.56) and (265.2,86.85) .. (279.91,80.89) -- (298.79,114.28) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp5535788958689252] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (287.37,102.56) .. controls (287.37,102.56) and (287.37,102.56) .. (287.37,102.56) .. controls (287.37,102.56) and (287.37,102.56) .. (287.37,102.56) .. controls (299.37,113.98) and (299.85,132.97) .. (288.43,144.98) .. controls (277.01,156.98) and (258.03,157.46) .. (246.02,146.04) .. controls (234.01,134.62) and (233.53,115.64) .. (244.95,103.63) .. controls (258.73,89.14) and (265.56,79.56) .. (265.45,74.89) .. controls (265.56,79.56) and (272.87,88.78) .. (287.37,102.56) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp5000564586031293] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (287.37,102.56) .. controls (295.53,135.03) and (315.35,157.97) .. (331.63,153.79) .. controls (347.91,149.61) and (354.48,119.9) .. (346.31,87.43) .. controls (342.37,101.85) and (333.81,112.54) .. (322.01,115.57) .. controls (310.22,118.6) and (297.65,113.33) .. (287.37,102.56) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp5949145834269645] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (296.7,125.74) .. controls (280.82,152.23) and (256.64,166.93) .. (242.68,158.57) .. controls (228.73,150.21) and (230.29,121.95) .. (246.16,95.46) .. controls (246.1,109.39) and (251.26,121.32) .. (261.37,127.38) .. controls (271.48,133.44) and (284.44,132.36) .. (296.7,125.74) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp6478429282324447] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (333.88,94.51) .. controls (333.74,116.6) and (317.95,134.4) .. (298.62,134.28) .. controls (279.3,134.15) and (263.74,116.15) .. (263.88,94.05) .. controls (272.28,102.68) and (284.79,108.19) .. (298.79,108.28) .. controls (312.8,108.37) and (325.38,103.02) .. (333.88,94.51) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp9055944285562285] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (354.4,132.41) .. controls (354.4,132.41) and (354.4,132.41) .. (354.4,132.41) .. controls (354.4,132.41) and (354.4,132.41) .. (354.4,132.41) .. controls (366.03,143.49) and (357.22,163.97) .. (334.73,178.17) .. controls (312.24,192.36) and (284.57,194.9) .. (272.95,183.83) .. controls (261.32,172.75) and (270.12,152.27) .. (292.62,138.07) .. controls (319.77,120.94) and (334.49,109.69) .. (336.79,104.34) .. controls (334.49,109.69) and (340.36,119.05) .. (354.4,132.41) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp029259060568209927] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (296.7,125.74) .. controls (296.7,125.74) and (296.7,125.74) .. (296.7,125.74) .. controls (315.68,139.24) and (321.5,163.64) .. (309.7,180.24) .. controls (297.89,196.83) and (272.93,199.33) .. (253.95,185.83) .. controls (234.96,172.32) and (229.14,147.92) .. (240.95,131.32) .. controls (255.19,111.3) and (261.56,98.1) .. (260.04,91.72) .. controls (261.56,98.1) and (273.79,109.43) .. (296.7,125.74) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6066444677487759] 
\draw    (238,236) -- (280.5,234) ;
%Shape: Trapezoid [id:dp656123975124739] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291,389) -- (297.45,190) -- (306.05,190) -- (312.5,389) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da36096148600738487] 
\draw    (250,252) -- (277.5,243) ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp9381043746948583] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (355.98,146.55) .. controls (360.45,168.19) and (338.86,190.94) .. (307.77,197.37) .. controls (276.67,203.79) and (247.83,191.47) .. (243.36,169.83) .. controls (251.66,187.54) and (278.11,196.86) .. (306.45,191) .. controls (334.79,185.14) and (355.38,166.1) .. (355.98,146.55) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da43346633822675784] 
\draw    (315,223) -- (352.5,210) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da06894090327915348] 
\draw    (318,229) -- (345.5,233) ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp9158823263976328] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (271.11,319.79) -- (302.79,319.35) -- (300.6,331.36) -- cycle ;


enter image description here

Addendum with another rose.....

\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt        
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 184; green, 233; blue, 134 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (315.73,214.88) -- (322.94,393.73) -- (303.61,394.11) -- (303.64,215.12) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp6198007041185263] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 131; green, 179; blue, 82 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 160; green, 214; blue, 100 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (364.07,146.11) .. controls (374.93,181.86) and (354.97,219.58) .. (319.5,230.35) .. controls (284.02,241.12) and (246.47,220.87) .. (235.61,185.11) .. controls (256.29,183.37) and (278.78,179.08) .. (301.81,172.08) .. controls (324.83,165.09) and (345.92,156.16) .. (364.07,146.11) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp24653128302961091] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 190; green, 19; blue, 40 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (241.88,150.76) .. controls (241.88,150.76) and (241.88,150.76) .. (241.88,150.76) .. controls (236.73,169.55) and (246.75,188.68) .. (264.25,193.48) .. controls (281.76,198.28) and (300.13,186.93) .. (305.28,168.14) .. controls (310.43,149.35) and (300.42,130.22) .. (282.91,125.42) .. controls (261.77,119.63) and (250.58,115.54) .. (249.33,113.14) .. controls (250.58,115.54) and (248.1,128.08) .. (241.88,150.76) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp48418373498632095] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 190; green, 19; blue, 40 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (260.26,144.1) .. controls (260.26,144.1) and (260.26,144.1) .. (260.26,144.1) .. controls (260.26,144.1) and (260.26,144.1) .. (260.26,144.1) .. controls (253.79,167.67) and (264.19,191.08) .. (283.49,196.36) .. controls (302.78,201.65) and (323.66,186.83) .. (330.12,163.25) .. controls (336.59,139.67) and (326.19,116.27) .. (306.89,110.98) .. controls (283.6,104.59) and (271.31,99.93) .. (270.01,97) .. controls (271.31,99.93) and (268.06,115.63) .. (260.26,144.1) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp9913812118283272] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 203; green, 53; blue, 71 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291.38,126.95) .. controls (291.38,126.95) and (291.38,126.95) .. (291.38,126.95) .. controls (291.38,126.95) and (291.38,126.95) .. (291.38,126.95) .. controls (273.78,143.93) and (270.77,169.36) .. (284.66,183.76) .. controls (298.55,198.15) and (324.07,196.06) .. (341.67,179.09) .. controls (359.27,162.11) and (362.27,136.68) .. (348.38,122.29) .. controls (331.95,105.25) and (323.52,96.95) .. (323.1,97.36) .. controls (322.77,97.01) and (312.19,106.88) .. (291.38,126.95) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp8743320111586002] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 200; green, 24; blue, 46 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (274.48,162.44) .. controls (274.48,162.44) and (274.48,162.44) .. (274.48,162.44) .. controls (295.72,168.34) and (309.34,186.06) .. (304.91,202.02) .. controls (300.48,217.99) and (279.67,226.15) .. (258.44,220.26) .. controls (237.2,214.37) and (223.58,196.65) .. (228.01,180.68) .. controls (233.36,161.41) and (235.17,150.65) .. (233.44,148.41) .. controls (235.17,150.65) and (248.85,155.33) .. (274.48,162.44) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp06529253074145047] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (331.37,267.93) -- (311.86,278.17) -- (309.44,265.79) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp5613117809992467] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 169; green, 220; blue, 112 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (315.69,289.27) .. controls (307.3,301.11) and (292.04,312.03) .. (274.41,317.57) .. controls (247.23,326.1) and (224.73,318.61) .. (224.15,300.83) .. controls (224.13,300.31) and (224.13,299.79) .. (224.15,299.26) -- (273.35,285.38) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (315.69,289.27) .. controls (307.3,301.11) and (292.04,312.03) .. (274.41,317.57) .. controls (247.23,326.1) and (224.73,318.61) .. (224.15,300.83) .. controls (224.13,300.31) and (224.13,299.79) .. (224.15,299.26) ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp4888472946932019] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 169; green, 220; blue, 112 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (314.41,290.84) .. controls (315.41,289.13) and (315.92,287.51) .. (315.87,286.01) .. controls (315.58,276.99) and (295.19,276.02) .. (270.33,283.82) .. controls (249.43,290.38) and (232.02,301.07) .. (227.19,309.66) -- (270.87,300.14) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (314.41,290.84) .. controls (315.41,289.13) and (315.92,287.51) .. (315.87,286.01) .. controls (315.58,276.99) and (295.19,276.02) .. (270.33,283.82) .. controls (249.43,290.38) and (232.02,301.07) .. (227.19,309.66) ;

%Shape: Arc [id:dp7863746929597304] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 174; green, 219; blue, 127 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (313.62,316.73) .. controls (318.54,327.9) and (330.26,333.25) .. (343.65,329.04) .. controls (360.98,323.6) and (374.53,304.22) .. (373.93,285.75) .. controls (373.92,285.41) and (373.9,285.09) .. (373.88,284.76) -- (342.55,295.6) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (313.62,316.73) .. controls (318.54,327.9) and (330.26,333.25) .. (343.65,329.04) .. controls (360.98,323.6) and (374.53,304.22) .. (373.93,285.75) .. controls (373.92,285.41) and (373.9,285.09) .. (373.88,284.76) ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp9935527042623047] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 174; green, 219; blue, 127 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (316.68,321.1) .. controls (316.39,320.26) and (316.22,319.36) .. (316.19,318.39) .. controls (315.89,309.03) and (328.49,297.4) .. (344.34,292.43) .. controls (358.63,287.94) and (370.69,290.39) .. (373.14,297.79) -- (344.89,309.38) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (316.68,321.1) .. controls (316.39,320.26) and (316.22,319.36) .. (316.19,318.39) .. controls (315.89,309.03) and (328.49,297.4) .. (344.34,292.43) .. controls (358.63,287.94) and (370.69,290.39) .. (373.14,297.79) ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp9844400683196859] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (331.33,370.88) -- (309.3,370.22) -- (313.27,358.25) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp02649939092463871] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (289.83,255.76) -- (311.74,253.39) -- (309.44,265.79) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp6604794158903664] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291.71,341.53) -- (315.6,342.38) -- (309.29,353.3) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp8789476339204596] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 210; green, 44; blue, 64 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (318.33,146.65) .. controls (318.33,146.65) and (318.33,146.65) .. (318.33,146.65) .. controls (318.33,146.65) and (318.33,146.65) .. (318.33,146.65) .. controls (292.79,155.12) and (277.19,177.38) .. (283.49,196.36) .. controls (289.78,215.35) and (315.6,223.88) .. (341.14,215.4) .. controls (366.68,206.93) and (382.28,184.67) .. (375.98,165.68) .. controls (368.38,142.77) and (365.56,129.91) .. (367.52,127.12) .. controls (365.56,129.91) and (349.16,136.42) .. (318.33,146.65) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Resistor [id:dp855989959293115] 
\draw   (241.95,309.79) -- (252.75,306.76) -- (249.61,305.96) -- (265.49,304.87) -- (259.21,303.27) -- (275.08,302.17) -- (268.8,300.57) -- (284.68,299.48) -- (278.4,297.87) -- (294.27,296.78) -- (291.13,295.98) -- (301.93,292.95) ;
%Shape: Resistor [id:dp4675455647263771] 
\draw   (333.72,322.89) -- (338.84,318.03) -- (346.42,313.7) -- (335.8,318.03) -- (350.96,309.38) -- (340.35,313.71) -- (355.51,305.06) -- (344.89,309.38) -- (360.06,300.74) -- (349.44,305.06) -- (357.02,300.74) -- (362.14,295.88) ;

enter image description here