How to download & install “heidisql” on linux?

A good alternative to Heidi that runs on Linux without wine is dbeaver. It's a Java app and the user interface will be familiar for users of HeidiSQL.

Installation instructions

How to install DBeaver 2.3.6 on 32 bit Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Debian, Crunchbang and KWheezy systems:

$ wget -c
$ sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-ce_latest_i386.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -f

How to install DBeaver 2.3.6 on 64 bit Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Debian, Crunchbang and KWheezy systems:

$ wget -c
$ sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-ce_latest_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -f


Heidisql is a Windows application. This can run in Linux using the wine software.

First install wine (sudo apt-get install wine) and then you should be able to run the heidisql installer by just double clicking the icon.

HeidiSQL runs nicely on Linux using wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator).

To Install:

  1. If not already installed, install wine with: sudo apt-get install wine

  2. Install HeidiSQL with: wine HeidiSQL_some-version-#_Setup.exe

Now in the menu category named wine you'll find your new HeidiSQL launcher.

To upgrade: Reinstall HeidiSQL with the new *.exe file.

Extra tips:

Have been using HeidiSQL for about a year now. I use HeidiSQL to edit my MariaDB (mySQL) database design, and then use LibreOffice as the MariaDB front end. It works pretty good.

I keep my database programs organized in the menu in a new custom folder named Database.

In HeidiSQL save table edits before moving to something else and you should be all good. At one time if you moved the focus to a new thing without saving first she would crash. I'm guessing it's been fixed by now. The developer seems pretty smart and keeps the thing running nicely.

My 2nd divorce was from a woman named Heidi. She Dropped me.. and I'm better off for it.