How to download files in torrents sequentially

  1. Open uTorrent
  2. Press shift+F2 (hold them for the next step)
  3. Go to Options -> Preferences -> Advanced

See uTorrent settings with opened parameters bt.sequential_download (use this for sequential download one movie) and bt.sequential_files (use this for sequential download TVseries from in that sequence as specified in torrent file).

According to this question sequential downloading is not supported and won't be. Maybe there are plugins for this for uTorrent.

Edit: i did find this Plugin for uTorrent. (But you need to check if it works and does what you want.)
(translated page)

But another way to go is qBittorrent.
It has a function Sequential downloading (aka "Download in order").
(You can read about it in this question)

However, this feature comes with a health warning:

Attempts to download the selected torrents in sequential order. Torrent pieces are usually downloaded in an optimal order which maximizes speed and benefits to the swarm health. Downloading in sequential order is useful for preview files. However, this feature is against Bittorrent protocol recommendations due to its negative effect on the swarm. It is thus discouraged to use this feature. A more detailed explanation of why this feature is bad is available here



Tixati supports this out of the box, along with many nifty features.

Here is a demonstration GIF:

enter image description here