How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

If you are using VB.NET, then the answer would be "*". Here is what your where clause would look like...

Where OH.Hierarchy Like '*/12/*'

Note: "*" Matches zero or more characters. Here is the msdn article for the Like operator.

Use this:

from c in dc.Organization
where SqlMethods.Like(c.Hierarchy, "%/12/%")
select *;

.Where(oh => oh.Hierarchy.Contains("/12/"))

You can also use .StartsWith() or .EndsWith().

I'm assuming you're using Linq-to-SQL* (see note below). If so, use string.Contains, string.StartsWith, and string.EndsWith to generate SQL that use the SQL LIKE operator.

from o in dc.Organization
join oh in dc.OrganizationsHierarchy on o.Id equals oh.OrganizationsId
where oh.Hierarchy.Contains(@"/12/")
select new { o.Id, o.Name }


from o in dc.Organization
where o.OrganizationsHierarchy.Hierarchy.Contains(@"/12/")
select new { o.Id, o.Name }

Note: * = if you are using the ADO.Net Entity Framework (EF / L2E) in .net 3.5, be aware that it will not do the same translation as Linq-to-SQL. Although L2S does a proper translation, L2E v1 (3.5) will translate into a t-sql expression that will force a full table scan on the table you're querying unless there is another better discriminator in your where clause or join filters.
Update: This is fixed in EF/L2E v4 (.net 4.0), so it will generate a SQL LIKE just like L2S does.