how to do Seq.takeWhile + one item in F#

let duplicateHead xs = seq { yield Seq.head xs; yield! xs }
let filter predicate xs =
    |> duplicateHead
    |> Seq.pairwise
    |> Seq.takeWhile (fst >> predicate)
    |> snd

Alternative version of duplicateHead, in case if you don't like computation expression here:

let duplicateHead' xs =
        (Seq.head xs)

This approach is based on building tuples of current and next element. The predicate is being applied to the current element, but the following one is returned.

NOTE: It is not safe for cases when predicate fails on the very first element. In order to make it working fine, you have to re-work duplicateHead by adding an element that would certainly pass the predicate.

Don't really get what is the problem with your solution.

Two small corrections:

(1) Use sequence expression for readability.

(2) Use Seq.truncate instead of Seq.take in case the input sequence is empty.

let myFilter predicate s = 
    seq { yield! Seq.takeWhile predicate s
          yield! s |> Seq.skipWhile predicate |> Seq.truncate 1 }

Another late answer but it is "functional", simple and does not read any elements past the last one in the result sequence.

let myFilter predicate =
    Seq.collect (fun x -> [Choice1Of2 x; Choice2Of2 (predicate x)])
    >> Seq.takeWhile (function | Choice1Of2 _ -> true | Choice2Of2 p -> p)
    >> Seq.choose (function | Choice1Of2 x -> Some x | Choice2Of2 _ -> None)

The lack of support for break in computation expressions is a bit annoying. It does not fit well with the model used by F# (which is why it is not supported), but it would be really useful in this case.

If you want to implement this using just a single iteration over the sequence, then I think the cleanest solution is to just use the underlying structure of sequences and write it as a recursive loop using IEnumerator<'T>

This is fairly short (compared to other solutions here) and it is quite clear code too:

let myFilter predicate (s:seq<_>) = 
  /// Iterates over the enumerator, yielding elements and
  /// stops after an element for which the predicate does not hold
  let rec loop (en:IEnumerator<_>) = seq {
    if en.MoveNext() then
      // Always yield the current, stop if predicate does not hold
      yield en.Current
      if predicate en.Current then
        yield! loop en }

  // Get enumerator of the sequence and yield all results
  // (making sure that the enumerator gets disposed)
  seq { use en = s.GetEnumerator()
        yield! loop en }