How to do multiple lines within braces?

You can set the multi-row contents using an array:

enter image description here




  A = \left\{ b\ \middle\vert \begin{array}{l}
    C, d \\
    e, F, g

% Using braket; see
  A = \Set{ b\ | \begin{array}{l}
    C, d \\
    e, F, g


You should define a unique structure for this kind of objects and I propose a variant of the \Set command described in the documentation of mathtools.


\providecommand\given{} % ensure it exists

\Set{x\given y} \\
\Set[\big]{x\given (a+b)c} \\
\Set*{z \given
  & 1\le z_{(k,m)}^{l}\le 1+a_{(k,m)}^{l}\gamma_{(k,m)}^{l}(\bm{p}) \\
  & \forall k\in\mathcal{K}, \forall m\in\mathcal{M},
    \forall l\in\mathcal{L}, \forall\bm{a}\in\mathcal{A}^{\dagger},
    \forall \bm{p}\in\mathcal{P}

enter image description here

For example:



z \biggm| \begin{array}{l}
\forall k


enter image description here

Please observe, that there should be \biggm|, not simply \bigg|, giving the proper space. (Observe \middle\vert, not \vert, in Werner's answer).