How to do a count on a union query

This will perform pretty well:

select count(*) from (
    select profile_id
    from userprofile_...
    select profile_id
    from productions_...
) x

The use of union guarantees distinct values - union removes duplicates, union all preserves them. This means you don't need the distinct keyword (the other answers don't exploit this fact and end up doing more work).


If you want to total number of different profile_id in each, where given values that appear in both table are considered different values, use this:

select sum(count) from (
    select count(distinct profile_id) as count
    from userprofile_...
    union all
    select count(distinct profile_id)
    from productions_...
) x

This query will out-perform all other answers, because the database can efficiently count distinct values within a table much faster than from the unioned list. The sum() simply adds the two counts together.

If you want a total count for all records, then you would do this:

    select distinct profile_id 
    from userprofile_...

    union all

    select distinct profile_id 
    from productions_...
) x

you should use Union All if there are equals rows in both tables, because Union makes a distinct

select count(*) from 
(select distinct profile_id from userprofile_...

union ALL

select distinct profile_id from productions_...) x

In this case, if you got a same Profile_Id in both tables (id is probably a number, so it's possible), then if you use Union, if you got Id = 1 in both tables, you will lose one row (it will appear one time instead of two)