How to Display Page Number in Report Body of SSRS 2008 R2?

Here is working expression:

=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Switch(Parameters!LANGUAGE.Value = "en-US", "Page " + code.PageNumber().ToString() + " of " + code.TotalPages().ToString(), Parameters!LANGUAGE.Value = "es-MX", "Hoja " + code.PageNumber().ToString() + " de " + code.TotalPages().ToString(), 1 = 1, "Page " +code.PageNumber().ToString() + " of " + code.TotalPages().ToString())

If you are using SQL Server 2016 Report Builder, this expression worked with me.

=Globals!PageNumber.ToString() +"/" + Globals!TotalPages.ToString()

First you need to use report variables: right click on the empty space of report -> Variables -> Create a variable such as PageCount (set default value to 0)

Then in you header or footer -> create a textbox and set expression ->


It will automatically increase for each page. (IMPORTANT: DO NOT hide it from header or footer, the SetValue WON'T work if you hide the box, so change the font to 1 or text to white, do whatever, just DO NOT hide it (it will print 'True' as the setting took places))

Then you can use:


at any part of your report body to access the page number.

IMPORTANT: Please NOTE that I tried to use Globals!PageNumber to set the variable but ends up it was NOT accessible from report body. So, it has to be something both accessible from Header/Footer OR Body.

In my case, I have to reset the Page number per each instance of my Group. So I just set a trigger at the end of the group. (e.g. I check if I have my Total value returns, because i know for each end of my group i will have a Total display.

Because of in function IIF both True and False part will be processed, so if you put setters in IIF such as below:



you will ends up have value 0 all the time, because the report will Check the True Part then the False part, both setters will be executed (value will be set twice)

so we need 2 boxes and something like: (You have to hide unnecessary box your checking conditions)


You need to hide this box when NOT IsNothing(ReportItems!TotalBox.Value)

=IIF(NOT IsNothing(ReportItems!TotalBox.Value),Variables!PageCount.SetValue(0),"")

Again you need to hide this box when IsNothing(ReportItems!TotalBox.Value)

Of course you could use some other way to determine the end of a group instance, like: make a textbox which ONLY contains a fixed value at the end of your group table. and hide it. when you checking the trigger just do the similar approach as I do.

It works fine for all versions above 2008 R2 (included).