how to display multi line message in the toastr ?

As told by Dr.Stitch , toastr using the string as html so we have to add for the new line :

Please fix the following: </br>First Name is required</br>Last Name is required</br>Email Address is required</br>

- An update: 15/12/2020:

For the version 12+ :

toastr.success('Please fix the following: </br>First Name is required</br>Last Name is required</br>Email Address is required</br>', '', { closeButton: true, timeOut: 4000, progressBar: true, allowHtml: true });

This will work !!! thank you for the help.

allowHtml: true

toastr.success('\'Second Review\' validation has started. </br>All SME\'s and Reviewers will get an email notification', '', { closeButton: true, timeOut: 4000, progressBar: true, allowHtml: true });

Please note in

ng-toaster v12.1.0

it's enableHtml instead of allowHtml with <br /> as HTML.

Might also be changed in older versions.

