How to display itemizes next to each other?

There are quite a few different ways to do this, for example

using minipage environments, top aligned

        \item [\textbf{*A:}]
        \item 1: Some text
        \item 2: Some text
        \item 3: Some text
        \item 4: Some text
        \item [\textbf{*B:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item [\textbf{*C:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text

using tabular and p{<width>} columns

        \item [\textbf{*A:}]
        \item 1: Some text 
        \item 2: Some text
        \item 3: Some text
        \item 4: Some text
        \item [\textbf{*B:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item [\textbf{*C:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text

using parbox

        \item [\textbf{*A:}]
        \item 1: Some text 
        \item 2: Some text
        \item 3: Some text
        \item 4: Some text
        \item [\textbf{*B:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item [\textbf{*C:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text

If you happen to write up an exam sheet, you can use exsheets and the tasks package.


    Which animal is the best?
        \task Wombat 
        \task Duck
        \task Capybara
        \task Mara
        \task Why make a difference? They are all equally great
    What to not drink in the morning? 
        \task Coffee
        \task Orange juice
        \task Water
        \task Milk
        \task Beer
    Which animal is the best?
        \task Wombat 
        \task Duck
        \task Capybara
        \task Mara
        \task*(2) Why make a difference? They are all equally great

If you would work with multicols...

\setlength{\columnsep}{5pt} %space between columns 

\raggedcolumns % for NOT stretching the columns with manual columnbreak

        \item [\textbf{*A:}]
        \item 1: Some text
        \item 2: Some text
        \item 3: Some text
        \item 4: Some text
    \columnbreak %% end of a column
        \item [\textbf{*B:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text

        \item [\textbf{*C:}]
        \item Some text
        \item Some text
        \item Some text


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