How to display errors with ASP.NET Core

Update for beta8:
In beta8 Microsoft changed the name to UseDeveloperExceptionPage. So if you want to use the ErrorPage, call:


Here is the link to the related Github issue.
The ErrorPageOptions are the same as in beta6/7.

You can use


until beta5 of Asp.Net Mvc.

As of beta6, ErrorPageOptions.ShowAll has been removed. You can now use the version without parameters


or create an ErrorPageOptions object and specify how many lines around the error you want to display by setting SourceCodeLineCount.

app.UseErrorPage(new ErrorPageOptions() {SourceCodeLineCount = 100});

Additional Information

They removed multiple properties of ErrorPageOptions in this commit.


public class ErrorPageOptions
    private bool _defaultVisibility;

    private bool? _showExceptionDetails;
    private bool? _showSourceCode;
    private bool? _showQuery;
    private bool? _showCookies;
    private bool? _showHeaders;
    private bool? _showEnvironment;


public class ErrorPageOptions
    public int SourceCodeLineCount { get; set; }
    public IFileProvider FileProvider { get; set; }

So now you can only set how many lines of source code are printed.

Add the error page middleware as shown here:
