How to disable the default exposure of Spring Data REST repositories?

Currently there's no global switch for what you're looking for. I've filed this ticket for you for inclusion in the next major release.

Not sure if it is an option for you but package private repository interfaces are not currently exposed unless explicitly annotated. If you can make all those library repositories package protected that might be favorable over the explicit annotation.

Looping back here as I was looking for this specific setting. It looks like this is now implemented. In this case, you would want to set to avoid default exposure.

All options:

# Exposes all public repository interfaces but considers @(Repository)RestResource\u2019s `exported flag.

# Exposes all repositories independently of type visibility and annotations.

# Only repositories annotated with @(Repository)RestResource are exposed, unless their exported flag is set to false.

# Only public repositories annotated are exposed.


  • 3.5.1. Setting the Repository Detection Strategy
  • Common Application Properties