How to disable SYLK warning for CSV files in Excel?

The issue is caused by the first cell/field on the first row having the exact value 'ID' in it. Excel looks for this value and decides it is a SYLK (SYmbolic LinK) file format and not a CSV file.

This 'feature' can be overcome by renaming the value 'Id' or 'id' - as the value Excel looks for must be in uppercase. Alternatively, use any other string value 'Identity' or 'Ref' or insert an apostrophe in front of ID, to tell Excel to treat the value as 'plain text' - this defeats the Excel check, but you may not want an apostrophe in your data.

This feature has been in Excel since at least the 2010 version.

We have discovered if CSV is changed to UTF-8, the SYLK problem disapears (without change ID to Id)