How to disable my touch screen

  1. find you touchscreen id:

$xinput list

  1. list it's properties

$xinput list-props id

  1. disable it by it's Name (as id's change with hid devices being plugged in & out), property & setting

$xinput 'ATLM1000:00 03EB:8C0D Touchscreen' 153 0

  1. you can add it to "startup applications" tool (in fluxbox ~/.fluxbox/startup), in this way you don't need to run it each power on. (In case of the ATLM touchscreen on next power on xinput list will not show the 'Touchscreen' thou the ATLM1000 will show.)

It looks like hid_multitouch might be your driver.

Before blacklisting, try the following:

modprobe -r hid_multitouch

If this works then add it to the blacklist