How to disable JQMigrate Logging

In order not to overwrite any magento core files I just created a javascript file with this code

    function ($) {
        $.migrateMute = true;
        $.migrateTrace = false;

I included the file in the head in default.xml

<link src="js/disable-jquery-migrate-warnings.js" />

I ended up overriding the core jquery-migrate in our theme so I could set the migrateMute option.

In my theme require-jsconfig.js I set this override:

var config = {
  paths: {
    // disable jQuery migrate console output
    'jquery/jquery-migrate': 'js/jquery-migrate'

Then copied the code jquery-migrate.js file to the theme js directory, and added this line towards the top:

// Set to true to prevent console output; migrateWarnings still maintained
jQuery.migrateMute = true;

One should mute jquery.migrate before it gets initialised.


requirejs(['jquery'], function ($) {
    $.migrateMute = true;
    $.migrateTrace = false;


var config = {
    paths: {
    shim: {
        'jquery/jquery-migrate': ['jquery','mute-migrate']