How to disable font smoothing in Visual Studio editor?

There is an extension called Text Sharp that allows you to completely disable font smoothing (ClearType) for Visual Studio:

I'm using this combined with the Source Code Pro font for very readable code.

Well, the characters are at least readable. The code itself may be a different story. :)

According to and this post on SuperUser, you may have to disable it in many places, but for VStudio two are enough:

  • Control Panel > Display > Adjust ClearType Text
  • Control Panel > System > Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Visual Effects > Smooth edges of screen fonts

Don't use Consolas as it always uses ClearType, as Alex K. noted in the comments.

Prefer Lucida Console which is a fixed font (they are bold in VStudio's font list in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors) and appears not to suffer from the effects of ClearType or smoothed edges.

In Visual Studio 2019 v16.5.4 (possibly lower), there is a new feature under the Text Editor -> Advanced settings called "Text rendering method". This appears to be defaulted to "ClearType" upon installation. On my machine, I've disabled ClearType at the OS level, yet after a fresh install/update, noticed that my fonts were being smoothed.

Simply switch this setting to "Aliased" to get pixel-perfect font rendering back.

Go to Text Editor - Advanced - Text Rendering Method

Change to Aliased to get pixel perfect rendering back

Again, this assumes you have already disabled ClearType at the system level. I am unsure if VS settings would ignore/override the system-level ClearType settings or not.

In my case the problem was that I had the text size to 120%, I just change it to 100%.

Is an option located in Display Settings above the Resolution selector. It says: "Change the size of the text, apps, and other items" set the value to: 100% (Recommended)

This happened to me when I added a new LCD monitor to my setup.