How to disable event links in FullCalendar when using Google Calendar feed?

The documentation on the FullCalendar website refers to the callback function 'eventClick':

If the url property is set on the Event Object, then returning false prevents the browser from visiting the event url. So, when you intialise FullCalendar add the eventClick callback function with something along the lines of...

    eventClick: function(event) {
        if (event.url) {
            return false;

Might be worth trying your own event renderer in the fullcalendar options:

{ eventRender:function (event, element)}  

To do this, you will need to write all of the rendering code yourself - can start with the original implementation and tweak as needed.
Have not tried this wih a google calendar implementation, but have used it with custom json to turn on or off href as needed.

Alternatively, you could:
Hack the gcal.js file to make it not set the href property on the event objects.
Intercept the event data before rendering, and remove the href property.

Edit file gcal.js

    id: entry['gCal$uid']['value'],
    title: entry['title']['$t'],
    //url: url,
    start: start,
    end: end,
    allDay: allDay,
    location: entry['gd$where'][0]['valueString'],
    description: entry['content']['$t']

Delete line: url: url,