How to disable Amazon shouts in Diablo 2?

You probably need to "mod" Diablo 2. This includes getting a MPQ extractor, getting some silent .WAV files and putting them back into the archive. This will work on too (if I recall correctly), as sound effects and music are client-side.

You can get started by visiting the Phrozen Keep, the site for Diablo II modding. You're looking for

  1. How to read a MPQ archive
  2. How to replace files in a MPQ archive.

I checked the Phrozen Keep site, but I could not download editing tools from there (WinMPQ to be specific), so I've downloaded latest MPQ Editor from (as was suggested in comments) and it was very easy to do the task.

  • Backup d2sfx.mpq file
  • Open d2sfx.mpq with the editor
  • Browse to folder with amazon combat sounds and delete those shouts (I had to delete Valkyrie shouts as well, they are equally annoying)
  • Close the tool (somehow it saves changes without asking - be careful!)



Diablo 2