How to disable all click events of a layout?

You can pass View for disable all child click event.

public static void enableDisableView(View view, boolean enabled) {
        if ( view instanceof ViewGroup ) {
            ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup)view;

            for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < group.getChildCount() ; idx++ ) {
                enableDisableView(group.getChildAt(idx), enabled);

Here is a Kotlin extension function implementation of Parag Chauhan's answer

fun View.setAllEnabled(enabled: Boolean) {
    isEnabled = enabled
    if (this is ViewGroup) children.forEach { child -> child.setAllEnabled(enabled) }

Rather than iterating through all the children view, you can add this function to the parent Layout view

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    return true;

This will be called before the onTouchEvent for any child views, and if it returns true, the onTouchEvent for child views wont be called at all. You can create a boolean field member to toggle this state on and off if you want.

I would create a ViewGroup with all the views that you want to enable/disable at the same time and call setClickable(true/false) to enable/disable clicking.