How to determine version Intel Management Engine on Linux?

Right now mjg59's mei-amt-check seems to be the best answer to this problem (found on Hacker News).

Use the official Intel tool.

You can download it following this link:

extract the archive and execute the python script as root

sudo python2

NB: first, you have to be root (sudo); second, the tool is compatible with version 2 of python (python2).

I found a couple of ways to get ME version without Windows

1) BIOS settings
If your system is not a critical server you can reboot it and check BIOS settings. Some ASUS boards and all Supermicro boards does display ME version.

2) UEFITool
ME version could be extracted from firmware file. Download firmware file from vendor's site and use UEFITool to open it, look for 'ME region'.

Management Engine usually updated along with BIOS firmware. Check vendor's site or ask support for updated version.