How to detect version of chrome used with puppeteer?

Use the browser.version() function to find out during runtime which version is used.

If you have the page object you can use it like this:

const version = await page.browser().version();

To find out which Chromium version is bundled with the puppeteer version without starting, you should check out the release notes, there is always a section about the Chromium version which is used.

Example (taken from release notes from v1.14.0):

Big Changes

  • Chromium 75.0.3738.0 (r641577)

In the latest version of node, the above code returns a promise object.

You would need to do something like this to get the browser version

await page.browser().version().then(function(version) {

should print something like this HeadlessChrome/84.0.4143.2

You can run this in node if you are in the root of your project (the same level as your node_modules dir)

(async()=>{const x = require("puppeteer"); console.log(await(await(await x.launch()).newPage()).browser().version())})()

My Result: > HeadlessChrome/91.0.4469.0

I find this method easier since you can run it on your server without doing file manipulations.

(This answers assumes you can't use top level async await, but even if you can this will work)