How to design REST API for non-CRUD "commands" like activate and deactivate of a resource?

How about coming up with a noun for the feature you want to modify - 'status' in this instance. This would then become a sub resource of the parent entity. So for your case I would model the URI as follows:


If the 'update' semantics are idempotent then PUT would be most appropriate, else that would need to be a POST (e.g if nonces are involved and are invalidated by the service). The actual payload would include a descriptor for the new state.

Note, I pluralized 'accounts' since you can have multiple of those, but status is singular since your account can have only one state.

The POST method would create the resource 'account'. Active can be seen as one of the properties of the resource 'account'. Hence it should be a PUT request.

I would say even deactivate must be a PUT request as the account resource will still exist.

To activate an account you can set a property on the resource. That is:


To deactivate:


A GET request on the account would return a JSON with the activate value in it.

A DELETE request should completely delete the account resource.

PATCH is the most appropriate method in this case. Please find more at RESTful URL for "Activate"

