How to deserialize json string to object list in c# dot

first create another class:

public class SalesTransactions
     public List<clsSalesTran> transactions {get;set;}
     public int count{get;set;}

Then use,


Create a class as below
By creating the list of class 'clsSalesTran' and a variable for 'Count'

Note: JsonProperty is mandatory from your Json String

public class SalesTransactions
     public List<clsSalesTran> transactions {get;set;}
     public int count{get;set;}

Then you may use this class as below to deserialize

SalesTransactions st = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SalesTransactions>(inputString)

Use the Deserialized object as below

double paymentcharge = st.transactions[0].paymentcharge;

To deserialize a string to a List of objects of type clsSalesTran:

var myList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<clsSalesTran>>(inputString);